
Unroasted raw green coffee beans

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Owner: Fidel Huancas Huancas
Location: El Corazon, Chirinos
Varietal: Yellow Caturra
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1840 masl
Cup Score: 86.75
Cup profile: Orange, spiced plums with notes of marzipan, scotch and caramel, lemon acidity and lactic creamy body.


La ESPERANZA is the name of Fidel's farm, the name means HOPE and has been choose in reference itself to the hope to obtain special coffees and with the aim to become the best producer in the region, Fidel is very proud of his heritage and he is striving to improve in order to motivate others farmers around him. He is a third generation coffee farmer and the land where La Esperanza is located has been left as heritage from his father and has an extension of 1.5ha.

When the family started in the farm it had old plants of CATIMOR and PACHE that nowadays all plants have been replaced with new ones over the curse of five years, at this point the farm became mono-varietal and the totality of the production is Yellow Caturra, this variety has been chosen because of it perform really well on the terroir that characterise the north of Perú giving really high cup scores and really good yield.

At this point in time Fidel manages his farm with complete focus in implementing good practices advised by the cooperative region and by the field team at Falcon Coffee Perú.

But above everything else what made the real difference has been putting in strong dedication, passion and attention to details in every aspect of farm management and training of the workers yield great results that are driving Fidel to be satisfied for the results had been obtaining baring in mind that he has only one way in mind, up.

This lot is process as a fully washed and Fidel with the help of his family member pick this lot, after been sorted the cherries are then pulped and fermented for around 48 hours before been fully washed with fresh water coming from a nearby spring and left it to dry in the sun for 1 to 2 days according to the environment temperature and weather condition, after that the drying process is completed on raised beds in the solar dryer within 6 to 8 days until the parchment reach the desired moisture content.